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Want to stop
smoking and vaping?

We can help.

Are you addicted to nicotine?

Attend a Free Class to Help You Quit Smoking and Vaping!

Just 45 minutes, 1x per week for 5 weeks.

Register Below

What is Project CONNECT?


Project CONNECT® is a nicotine cessation and reduction program developed specifically for adolescents. It was developed through the review of numerous adolescent tobacco cessation programs, research on behavior change theory and positive youth development approaches and by utilizing prevention and intervention models intended to address other risk behaviors. It was designed to motivate participants not only to participate in the program but also to ultimately make more positive choices, including changing their nicotine use, attitudes, and behaviors

Participants meet for approximately 45 minutes, once a week for five weeks, and discuss and work on topics such as the health effects of nicotine use, goal setting, decision making, healthy lifestyle choices, resilience, stress management and social skills. The program increases the participant’s knowledge and awareness of the cycle of addiction and the benefits of quitting. It is a supportive, fun, interactive class, designed to empower students to make better choices regarding their nicotine use.

Dickson County has a higher adult smoking rate (26%) than the national average (17%).

TN Department of Health

Teen smokers are 13 more likely to have a substance abuse problem later in life.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

13.4 is the average age of initiation for cigarette use in Dickson County.

TN Together Survey

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the US, accounting for about 1 in 5 deaths.

Center for Disease Control