The DFDC is a coalition of volunteers and community leaders who are concerned about the issue of substance misuse in Dickson County. DFDC seeks to unite the community in the development and implementation strategies to prevent and lessen the progression of substance misuse.
About the Drug Free Dickson Coalition
What is the Drug Free Dickson Coalition?
DFDC is supported by grants from the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, CDC, TBI, Jackson Foundation, Community Foundation, Walmart Community grant as well as private donations.
This grant addresses underage tobacco and underage alcohol use as well as prescription drug misuse in the population at large.

Our Mission
The Drug Free Dickson Coalition’s mission is to reduce and prevent alcohol, tobacco, and drug misuse in Dickson County, particularly among youth, and prescription drug misuse for all ages through awareness, education, and action.

Mark Cook, Executive Director
615-352-2821 ext 4

Karrie Thompson, Director
615-352-2821 ext 1

Allison Avalon, Project Coordinator
615-352-2821 ext 5

Kathy Kilgore Beeler, Project Coordinator
615-352-2821 ext. 6

Spencer Earhart, DEC Coordinator
615-352-2821 ext. 3

Casey Reynolds, Maternal Health Coordinator
615-352-2821 ext 2
Board of Directors

Tim Eads
Sheriff Dickson County

Captain David Cole
Captain David Cole, Retired
Dickson Police Department

Ray Crouch, Jr., 23rd District
Attorney General

Kyle Lamastus, President,
First Bank-Dickson

Leslie Wolfe, Pharmacist,
Dickson Apothecary
Coalition Meetings
- Community Coalition Meetings are held the first Thursday of the month from 6-7 PM.
- Compliance Checks are held throughout the county to ensure that clerks at retail stores and servers at restaurants are correctly and consistently checking identification cards and that they are not selling to underage youth.
Activities and Events throughout Dickson County are produced, sponsored and/or supported by the Drug Free Dickson Coalition.
Some of these events include:
- Coordinate compliance checks with local law enforcement to prevent underage tobacco and alcohol sales.
- Semi-annual Drug Take Bake events in conjunction with local law enforcement and the DEA.
- Promote prevention awareness, education and action through Community Events.
- Youth Pledges to be Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug Free.
Smoke-Free Community Events
Use the contact us section to receive more information about a specific service.
Visit our Facebook page for up-to-date information!
General Information
The Drug Free Dickson Coalition will reduce the use and misuse of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs in the youth age 12-25 in Dickson County as well as prescription drug misuse in the population at large.
We need you! Your community needs you!
We are a coalition which means we bring together the different parts of the Dickson Community to address the substance misuse crisis.
Together we can make a difference in the lives of our community!
Contact us to find out how you can help today!